Muhammad Shoaib Bhutta(李岳),巴基斯坦籍学者,教授,博士,是中国人力资源和社会保障部和外国专家 局共同认定的 A 类外国高端人才,通过海外高层次人才引进计划到 bv伟德国际体育工作,现为bv伟德国际体育专任教师、外籍专家,主要的研究专长为将人工智能及深度学习算法用于新能源、新型储能材料、绝缘材料和电力系统研究。 截止至2024年5月,合计发表 SCI 论文 42 篇,累计被引 477 次,篇均被引 13 次,H-index为13。其中,以第一作者发表 SCI 论文 6 篇,国际会议2 篇,通讯作者3篇, 发表在中国科学院 电工领域顶级期刊上。
2024.3-至今, bv伟德国际体育,bv伟德国际体育,教授
2022.9-2024.3, bv伟德国际体育,bv伟德国际体育,专任教师
2020.8-2022.8, 无锡学院,电子信息工程学院,专任教师
1. 聚乙烯中的空间电荷与本征电场
2. 智能电网中的负荷预测
3. 混合和融合的深度学习模型
[1] Bhutta, M.S., Chen, Y., Ahmed, M., Atif, M., Munirah D. Albaqami, Saikh Mohammad, Jee-Hyun Kang, Wail Al Zoubi, and Dongwhi Choi, 2024. Incorporating GO in PI matrix to advance nanocomposite coating: An enhancing strategy to prevent corrosion. Nanotechnology Reviews (Accepted).
[2] Bhutta, M.S., Xuebang, T., Akram, S., Yidong, C., Ren, X., Fasehullah, M., Rasool, G. and Nazir, M.T., 2022. Development of novel hybrid 2D-3D graphene oxide diamond micro composite polyimide films to ameliorate electrical & thermal conduction (114, pp.108-114). Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
[3] Bhutta, M.S., Akram, S., Meng, P., Castellon, J., Agnel, S., Li, H., Guo, Y., Rasool, G., Hussain, S. and Nazir, M.T., 2021. Steady-state conduction current performance for multilayer polyimide/SiO2 films (13(4), p.640). Polymers.
[4] Bhutta, M.S., Sarfraz, M., Ivascu, L., Li, H., Rasool, G., ul Abidin Jaffri, Z., Farooq, U., Ali Shaikh, J. and Nazir, M.S., 2021. Voltage Stability Index Using New Single-Port Equivalent Based on Component Peculiarity and Sensitivity Persistence (9(10), p.1849). Processes.
[5] Bhutta, M.S., Yang, L., Ma, Z., Nazir, M.T., Akram, S., Mehmood, M.A. and Faiz, N., 2020. Simulation of thickness controlled DC breakdown of XLPE regulated by space charge & molecular chain movement, 27(4), pp.1143-1151. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation.
[6] Bhutta, M.S., Xuebang, T., Faheem, M., Almasoudi, F.M., Alatawi, K.S.S. and Guo, H., 2023. Neuro-Fuzzy Based High-Voltage DC Model to Optimize Frequency Stability of an Offshore Wind Farm. Processes, 11(7), p.2049. Processes.
[7] Chen, Y., Bhutta, M.S. (通讯作者), Abubakar, M., Xiao, D., Almasoudi, F.M., Naeem, H. and Faheem, M., 2023. Evaluation of Machine Learning Models for Smart Grid Parameters: Performance Analysis of ARIMA and Bi-LSTM. Sustainability, 15(11), p.8555.
[8] Akbar, L., Ahmed, M., Haq, I.U., Nawaz, A. and Bhutta, M.S. (通讯作者), 2024. Enhancing optical and resistive characteristics of MnFe2O4 spinel ferrite through Ni2+ doping: An advancement in structural refinement. Solid State Communications, 378, p.115410.
[9] Khan, M.Z., Nazir, Bhutta, M.S. (通讯作者), M.S. and Wang, F., 2023. Fluorination Treatment and Nano-Alumina Concentration on the Direct Current Breakdown Performance & Trap Levels of Epoxy/Alumina Nanocomposite for a Sustainable Power System. Sustainability, 15(7), p.5826.
[10] Bhutta, M.S., Yang, L., Ma, Z., Bian, H., Mehmood, M.A. and Ahmad, J., 2018, September. Significance of space charge accumulation DC endurance of XLPE under varying insulation thickness. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
[11] Bhutta, M.S., Yang, L., Ma, Z., Ahmad, J. and Mehmood, M.A., 2018, July. Influence of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) on space charge behavior and trap levels of XLPE/POSS nanocomposite. In 2018 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Dielectrics (ICD) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.