2022.08 - 至今 bv伟德国际体育,教师
2011.02 - 2022.06 工作于汽车企业
2012.10 - 2015.03 北京航空航天大学 博士后
[1] Yang Xinhong,Wang Beini.Design of Application System for Vehicle Recognition in Community Parking Scenes in Smart Transportation[C]//Proc. SPIE 12702, International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Communications, and Computer Networks (ISCCN 2023),1270215(2023-6-16),2023, Changsha, China. doi:10.1117/12.2679795.( EI检索号:20233714726102).
[2] 杨新红,林逸,高峰,等.一款载货汽车用车载麦克风设计[J].汽车技术,2014,(4):33-37. (中文核心)
[3] Xinhong Yang, Feng Gao, Mao Tan. Function design of body control module and its test validation[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials/The 2013 International Conference on Sensors, Mechatronics and Automation (ICSMA 2013, Shenzhen, China, Dec 24-25, 2013), 2014, 511-512:1157-1160. (2014-2-6) doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.511-512.1157 . (EI 检索号: 20141017436229)
[4] Xinhong Yang, Yi Lin,Feng Gao, et al. Automated test system design of body control module[C]//2014 International Conference on Information Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering (ISEEE 2014), April 26-28,2014, Japan, Sapporo.2014,Vol3: 1542-1546.( EI检索号:20144900293222)
[5] Xinhong Yang, Zhihua Yu, Mu Xiao, et al. Automated Test System Design Based on Tellus for In-vehicle CAN Network[C]//2014 The 6th International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems(ICUMT 2014), Oct. 6-8,2014, Russia, St.Petersburg. 2014: P 214-218.( EI检索号:20152600973803)
[6] Xinhong Yang, Feng Gao, Guoliang Liu, et al. Development of an intelligent vehicle experiment system[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2010, 23(6):684-689. (SCI检索号:000285648300003)
[7] Xinhong Yang, Feng Gao, Jiangfeng Wang, et al. Research on dynamic virtual vision simulation of intelligent vehicle running[A]. IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurements Systems, 2009(VECIMS '09)[C]. Hong Kong, China, 2009: 340-343. (EI 检索号: 20094312391319)
[8] 杨新红,高峰,刘国良,等.基于TESIS DYNAware的车辆巡航虚拟试验研究[J].机械工程学报,2011,47(20):165-170. (EI检索号:20114614514720)
[9] 高峰,杨新红,徐国艳,等.车辆智能行驶主动避撞的虚拟实现[J].机械工程学报,2009,45(8):203-209.(EI 检索号:20093712302589)
[10] 杨新红,高峰,徐国艳,等.Vega中的路径工具在车辆虚拟行驶中的应用[J].计算机应用与软件,2009,26(11):72-75.(中文核心)